






ResearchArchives.Com is a membership-based library of material contracts and agreements, many of which are otherwise hard to find. It was created as a research tool that holds an extensive collection of business and legal documents functionally arranged according to 10 practice areas, namely: 

v Banking and Finance
v Bankruptcy and Insolvency
v Corporate
v Healthcare
v Intellectual Property
v Labor and Employment
v Litigation
v Maritime and Transportation
v Real Estate
v Trusts and Estates

Its content is continually updated, and documents are posted as soon as they are made available by the companies.

Membership ranges from a choice of Basic, which allows for 5 downloads for US$89; to Intermediate, which allows for 15 at US$238; to Advanced, which allows for 35 at US$476. By signing up, members will get access to a powerful online resource for copies of material contracts and agreements involving virtually all public companies in the United States.

ResearchArchives.Com is developed by BeardGroup, Inc. and Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc.