

















ResearchArchives.Com is a powerful research tool for legal and business professionals.

It's the convenient, fast and inexpensive online resource for copies of material contracts and agreements involving virtually all public companies in the United States. And it's particularly useful in locating often hard-to-find documents.

Documents can be searched for by party or description and downloaded immediately.  Generally, the cost is no more than that of an overnight delivery.

ResearchArchives.Com is supported by an extensive and growing database arranged to cover these 10 key practice areas:

v Banking and Finance
v Bankruptcy and Insolvency
v Corporate
v Healthcare
v Intellectual Property
v Labor and Employment
v Litigation
v Maritime and Transportation
v Real Estate
v Trusts and Estates

Database content is continually updated and documents are posted as soon as companies make them available.  For example, as of we have over bankruptcy documents and are adding 2,000 more every month.

ResearchArchives.Com operates as a membership-based library.  There are three levels of membership to choose from: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.

For complete details and membership application just click on Join the Library.

ResearchArchives.Com is operated by BeardGroup, Inc. and Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc.




allows you to download 5 documents for US$89

allows you to download 15 documents for US$238

allows you to download 35 documents for US$476

Federal Mogul Corp.
FAO Inc.
Global Crossing
Oakwood Homes
Rand McNally